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Important Abbreviations

*POLICE:* Public Officer for Legal Investigations and Criminal Emergencies. *VIP:* Very Important Person. *SHO:* Station House Officer. *BBC:* British Broadcasting Corporation. *CID:* Criminal Investigation Department. *CSP:* Civil Service of Pakistan. *CSS:* Central Superior Services. *FANA:* Federally Administered Northern Areas. *FATA:* Federally Administered Tribal Areas. *GDP:* Gross Domestic Product *GHQ:* General Head Quarter. *FIR:* First Information Report. *IBM:* International Business Machines. *ISPR:* Inter Services Public Relation. *ISSB:* Inter Services Selection Board. *NOC:* No Objection Certificate..  *OIC:* Organization of Islamic Conference. *PCS:* Public Srrvice Commission. *SAARC:* South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation. *SSG:* Special Services Group. *UNICEF:* United Nation International Children Emergency Fund. *WASA:* Water and Sanitation Agency. *ISAF:* International Security Association Force. *LPG:* Liquefied Petroleum Gas. *CNG:* Compressed Natural

𝐌𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐌𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓 .....☘️✏️✏️

P𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 S𝐚𝐯𝐞 It ...... LARGEST, LONGEST, BIGGEST, SMALLEST, HIGHEST, TALLEST IN THE WORLD ... 🔹 Largest Planet : Jupiter 🔹Smallest Planet : Mercury  🔹Largest Airport : King Abdul Khalid International Airport (SA) 🔹Highest Airport : Lhasa Airport, Tibet 🔹Longest Airport : Dallas (USA) 🔹Largest River : Amazon (South America) 🔹Longest River : Nile (Egypt) 🔹Shortest River : Roe river in Montana 61 Meter 🔹Tallest Animal : Giraffe 🔹 Largest Animal : Blue Bottom whale 🔹 Fastest Bird : Swift 🔹Largest Bird : Ostrich 🔹Smallest Bird : Humming bird 🔹 Longest Bridge : Huey P. Long Bridge (USA) Highest River Bridge : Royal Gorge (Colorado) 🔹 Tallest Building : Dubai Burj (Dubai) Largest University Building : University of Riaydh S.A  🔹 Longest Shipping Canal : Baltic sea White Canal 🔹Longest Swimming Canal : English Canal 🔹Largest Canal : Keil Canal in Germany  🔹 Largest Continent : Asia 🔹Smallest Continent : Australia 🔹 Largest Country (Area) : Russia 🔹Smallest Country


CPU = Central Processing Unit RAM = Random Access Memory ROM = Read Only Memory PROM = Programmable Read Only Memory EPROM = Erasable PROM EEPROM = Electrically EPROM HDD = Hard Disk Drive FDD = Floppy Disk Drive KBD = KeyBoard I/O = Input & Output CD = Compact Disk DVD = Digital Video Disk SMPS = Switch Mode Power Supply POST = Power ON Self Test BIOS = Basic Input Output System VDU = Visible Display Unit LED = Light Embedded Diode LCD = Liquid Crystal Display USB = Universal Serial Bus VGA = Video/Visual Graphic Adapter LAN = Local Area Network WAN = Wide Area Network MAN = Metropolitan Area Network HLL = High Level Language LLL = Low Level Language MIPS = Million of Instruction Per Second Mbps = Mega Bytes Per second Kbps = Kilo Bytes per second HTTP = Hyper Text Templates WWW = World Wide Web IP = Internet Protocol ISP = Internet Service Provider 4 Bits = 1 Nibble 8 Bits = 1 Byte 1024 Bytes = 1 Kilo Byte ( KB ) 1024 KB = 1 Mega Byte ( MB ) 1024 MB = 1 Gyga Byte ( GB ) 1024 GB =

National Things Of Pakistan

 National Airline: PIA.   National Bird: Chakor.  National Colors: White & Green.  National Currency: Pakistani Rupee.  National Day: Pakistan Day/ 23rd March.   National Fish: Mahseer.  National Flower: Jasmine.  National Fruit: Mango.  National Juice: Sugarcane Juice.  National Library: National Library Of Pakistan.  National Language :Urdu   National Leader: Muhammad Ali Jinnah.  National Mausoleum: Mazar-e-Quaid.  National Mosque: Faisal Mosque.   National Motto: "Faith, Unity, Discipline"   National Mountain: K-2.  National Monument: National Monument Islamabad.  National Mammal: Indus River Dolphin.  Mother Of Pakistan: Fatima Jinnah.  Memorial Tower: Minar-e-Pakistan.  National Poet: Allama Iqbal.   National Predator: Snow leopard.   National River: River Indus.  National Reptile: Mugger Crocodile.  National Sport: Field Hockey.  National Tree: Cedrus Deodara.   National Vegetable: Lady Finger. National Slogan : Pakistan Zindabad

General Knowledge Of Pakistan

1* "City of colleges" Ans. Lahore 2* "Replica of the sahara" Ans. Skardu 3* "Gateway of Pakistan" Ans. Karachi 4* "Bab-ul-Islam" Ans. Sindh 5* "Swaziland of Pakistan" Ans. Swat 6* "City of Textile" Ans. Faisalabad 7* "Valley of Flowers" Ans. Peshawar 8* "City of Saints" Ans. Mutan 9* which city of the world is known as " Little Pakistan" Ans. Bradford 10* "Land of Five rivers" Ans. Punjab 11* "Land of Brave People" Ans. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Gilgat Balistan 12* "Pearl of Himaliya" Ans. Kaghan 13* "City of lightning" Ans. Karachi 14* Texila university was established by the king ? Ans. Ashoka 15* Badshahi Mosque located in lahore was built by? Ans. Aurangzeb Alamgir 16* Lahore was properly walled city surrounded by .......gates ? Ans. 12 17* Badshahi Mosque is located in? Ans. Lahore 18* Badshahi Mosque was built i

Various Types Of Sciences

1. Study Of Earth ? *Ans: Geology* 2: Study of living things? *Ans: Biology* 3: Study living language? *Ans: Philology* 4: Study of bees? *Ans: Apiology* 5: Study of heart? *Ans: Cardiology* 6. Study of dog? *Ans: Cynology* 7. Study of trees? *Ans: Dendrology* 8. Study of religion? *Ans: Theology* 9. Study of heredity? *Ans: Genetics* 10: Study of coins? *Ans: Numismatics* 11. Study of birds? *Ans: Ornithology* 12. Study of human development? *Ans: Anthropology* 13. Study of science of insects? *Ans: Entomology* 14. Study of problems of age? *Ans: Gerontology* 15. Study of relation between organisms and environment? *Ans: Ecology* 16. Study of flying aeroplans? *Ans: Aviation* 17. Study of horses? *Ans: Hippology* 18. Study of water? *Ans: Hydrology* 19. Study of weather? *Ans: Meteorology* 20. Study of cancer? *Ans: Oncoloy* 21. Study of eyes? *Ans: Ophthalmology* 22. Study of bones? *Ans: Osteology* 23. Study of rocks? *Ans: Petrology*  24. Study of earthquake? *Ans: Seismology*

Normal Sperm Count

➖ 250-400 million/ejaculation  Menstrual cycle: ➖ 28 days  Menopause age: ➖ 45-50 years  Blood clotting time: ➖ 3-5 minutes  Weight of Brain: ➖ 1300-1400 gm in human adult  Normal Blood Pressure (B.P.): ➖ 120/80 mm Hg  Average body weight: ➖ 70 kg  Normal body temperature: ➖ 37 degree celsius  Breathing Rate at rest: ➖ 12-16/minute  Number of Spinal Nerves: ➖ 31 pairs  Largest Endocrine Gland: ➖ Thyroid gland  Gestation period: ➖ 40 weeks or 9 calendar months  Normal Heart Beat at rest: ➖ 72 beats per minute  Largest Gland: ➖ Liver  Largest Muscle in the body: ➖ Gluteus Maximus or Buttock Muscle  Smallest Muscle in the body: ➖ Stapedius  Largest Artery: ➖ Aorta  Largest Vein: ➖ Inferior Vena Cava  Largest and longest Nerve: ➖ Sciatic Nerve  Longest Cell: ➖ Neurons (nerve cells)  Minimum distance for proper vision: ➖ 25   Largest and strongest Bone in the body: ➖ Femur (thigh bone)  Smallest Bone in the body ➖ Stapes in ear  Number of Cells in the body ➖ 75 trillion  Volume of Blood in


1. The unit of energy produced by food in the human body is called (a) Watt (b) DNA *(c) Calorie (Correct)* (d) Ampere   2. Proteins are made of (a) Sugar (b) Fatty acid (c) Nucleic acid *(d) Amino acid (Correct)* 3. Amount of water in mammalian blood is (a) 99% (b) 98% *(c) 90% (Correct)* (d) 92% 4. Which of the following Vitamin helps in clotting of blood? (a) Vitamin B (b) Vitamin A (c) Vitamin D *(d) Vitamin K (Correct)* 5. Which of the following vitamins are fat soluble? (a) Vitamins A,B, C, D *(b) Vitamins A, D, E, K (Correct)* (c) Vitamins A, B, C, D (d) None of these 6. Which of the following is not a source of Vitamin C? (a) Potato (b) Tomato (c) Guava *(d) Milk (Correct)*   7. Ozone is present in which of the following layers of atmosphere (a) Troposphere and Thermosphere *(b) Troposphere and Stratosphere (Correct)* (c) Mesosphere (d) Thermosphere   8. The study of relationship between organism and their environment is called *(a) Ecology (Correct)* (b) Oncology (c) Lithology

Famous Rivers

  ➢ Darling Australia ➢ Red River USA ➢ Don Russia ➢ Latani Lebanon ➢ Volga Russia ➢ Danube Germany ➢ Ural Russia ➢ Amu Darya Uzbekistan/ Turkmenistan ➢ Euphrates (Farat) Turkey, Syria, Iraq ➢ Tigris (Dajla) Turkey, Syria, Iraq ➢ Mackenzie Canada ➢ Roe River (Shortest) Montana (USA) 201 Feet (61m) ➢ Longest River The Nile ➢ Largest River The Amazon ➢ Sorrow of China River Hwang Ho (Yellow River) ➢ Longest River of Europe Volga ➢ Longest River of Asia Yangtze (6300 km)

Rivers in Pakistan 🌊

  ➢ Indus 3180 km ➢ Jhelum 725 km ➢ Sutlej 1450 km ➢ Chenab 960 km ➢ Ravi 720 km ➢ Total rivers in Pakistan 24 ➢ Total rivers in Balochistan 7 ➢ Total rivers in KPK 8 ➢ Total rivers in Punjab 5 ➢ Total rivers in Sindh 4 ➢ Longest River in Pakistan Indus ➢ Longest river in Balochistan Hingol ➢ Dasht River Baluchistan ➢ Porali River Baluchistan ➢ Bolan River Baluchistan ➢ Panjkora River KPK ➢ Jhelum and Chenab meet at Trimmu ➢ Five Rivers of Punjab meet at Panjnad ➢ Five Rivers meet with Indus at Mithan Kot ➢ Kabul River meets with Indus at Attock

All Short Words Abbreviation 💯

Very Importent Abbreviation Words Which We Are Using In Our Daily Life But We Dont Know The Meaning Of These All Short Words .... (F.A) Facility of Arts. (F.SC) Facility of Science. (B.A) Bachelor of Arts. (M.A) Master of Arts. (B.Sc) Bachelor of Science. (M.Sc) Master of Science (B.Sc.Ag) Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (M.Sc.Ag) Master of Science in Agriculture (M.B.A) Master of Business Administration. (B.B.A) Bachelor of Business Administration. (M.B.B.S) Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of  Surgery. (CCNA) Cesco Certified Network Associat. (CCNP) Cesco Certified Network Professional. (CA) Chartered Accountant. (ACCA) Associat Certified Chartered Accountant. (CSS) Center Superior Service. (I.T) Information Technology. (D.I.T) Diploma of Information Technology. (M.I.T) Master of Information Technology. (M.D) Doctor of Medicine. (D.H.M.S) Diploma of Health and Medical Surgery. (M.S) Master of Surgery. (Ph.D) Doctor of Philosophy (Arts & Science). (D. Sc) Doctor of Science. (B


★ Largest producer of silver is Mexico. ★ The largest producer of carpet is Iran. ★ The largest producer of cheese is USA. ★ The largest producer of cotton is USA. ★ The largest producer of Jute is Bangladesh. ★ The largest producer of Rice is China. ★ The largest producer of Silk is China. ★ The largest producer of Steel is USA. ★ The largest producer of Sugar is India. ★ The largest producer of Tea is India. ★ The largest producer of Wheat is USA. ★ The largest producer of Wool is Australia. ★ The largest producer of gold is South Africa. ★ The largest producer of oil is Saudi Arabia. ★ The largest producer of coffee Brazil. ★ The largest producer of tin is Malaysia. ★ The first Prime Minister of Bangladesh was Mujibur Rehman ★ The longest river in the world is the Nile ★ The longest highway in the world is the Trans-Canada ★ The longest highway in the world has a length of About 8000 km ★ The highest mountain in the world is the Mount Everest ★ What is the worlds largest food compan

Some Important Full Forms ✍️

*» I.G.* — Inspector General (of Police) *» D.I.G.* — Deputy Inspector General (of Police) *» S.S.P.* — Senior Superintendent of Police *» D.S.P.* — Deputy Superintendent of Police *» S.D.M.* — Sub-Divisional Magistrate *» M.P.* — Member of Parliament *» M.L.A.* — Member of Legislative Assembly *» M.L.C.* — Member of Legislative Council *» P.M.* — Prime Minister *» C.M.* — Chief Minister *» C-in-C* — Commander-In-Chief *» L.D.C.* — Lower Division Clerk *» U.D.C.* — Upper Division Clerk *» Lt. Gov.* — Lieutenant Governor *» D.M.* — District Magistrate *» I.T.O.* — Income Tax Officer *» C.I.D.* — Criminal Investigation Department *» C.B.I.* — Central Bureau of Investigation *» G.P.O.* — General Post Office *» H.Q.* — Head Quarters *» E.O.E.* — Errors and Omissions Excepted *» Ltd.* — Limited *» M. P.H.* — Miles Per Hour *» KM.P.H.* — Kilometer Per Hour *» P.T.O.* — Please Turn Over *» P.W.D.* — Public Works Department *» C.P.W.D.* — Central Public Works Department *» U.N.O.* — United Nat


🎯1. Formulas related to force: 🗯️F = ma 🗯️F = kx 🗯️F = m(vf² - vi²/2S) 🗯️F = mv/t 🗯️F = md/t² 🗯️F = m(vf - vi)/t 🗯️F = Area × density × velocity² 🗯️F = 1/2 mv²/d 🗯️F = 1/2 Pv/d 🗯️F = Power/velocity 🗯️Fc = mv²/r 🗯️Fc = mrw² 🗯️Fc/2 = mv²/2r 🗯️Fc = 2K.E/r 🗯️F = Area × Stress 🗯️F = pir² × stress 🗯️F = YA × Strain 🗯️F = YAl/L 🗯️F = pressure × area 🗯️F = change in momentum × time interval 🗯️F = - 2mVx × Vx/2l 🗯️F2 = F1/A1 × A2 🗯️F = qE 🗯️F = kQ/r² 🗯️F = ILB sintheta 🗯️F = q (v × B)  🗯️F = qE + q(v × B) 🎯2. Formulas related to energy and work 👉Fd = k.e 👉mgh = 1/2 mv² 👉E = 1/2 kx² 👉E = Ve 👉E = nhf 👉E = nhc/lambda 👉E = Pc 👉K.e = hf - work function = hf - hf° = hf - hc/w° (here w° is cutt off wavelength)  👉E = 1/2 Pv 👉mv²/2r= Fc/2 👉K.E/r = Fc/2 👉K.E = Fc×/r/2 👉K.e = 1.5 KT 👉E = VQ 👉E = Power × time 👉E = Fvt 👉% loss in K.e = v1² - v2²/v1² × 100 👉% loss in P.e = h1² - h²/h1² × 100 👉Energy lost due to air friction(Fh) = 1/2mv² - mgh (when body is thro

Muslim Population (% Of Their Total Population)

Mauritania 🇲🇷 - 99.9% Somalia 🇸🇴 - 99.8% Tunisia 🇹🇳 - 99.8% Afghanistan 🇦🇫 - 99.6% Iran 🇮🇷 - 99.4% Turkey 🇹🇷 - 99.2% Yemen 🇾🇪 - 99.1% Algeria 🇩🇿 - 99% Morocco 🇲🇦 - 99% Maldives 🇲🇻 - 98.4% Niger 🇳🇪 - 98.3% Palestine 🇵🇸 - 97.5% Jordan 🇯🇴 - 97.2% Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 - 97.1% Sudan 🇸🇩 - 97% Libya 🇱🇾 - 97% Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 - 96.9% Tajikistan 🇹🇯 - 96.7% Pakistan 🇵🇰 - 96.5% Uzbekistan 🇺🇿 - 96.5% Iraq 🇮🇶 - 95.7% Syria 🇸🇾 - 93% Egypt 🇪🇬 - 92.3% Bangladesh 🇧🇩 - 90.4% Indonesia 🇮🇩 - 87.2% Kyrgyzstan 🇰🇬 - 80% Qatar 🇶🇦 - 77% UAE 🇦🇪 - 76% Kuwait 🇰🇼 - 74% Kazakhstan 🇰🇿 - 70% Malaysia 🇲🇾 - 61% Albania 🇦🇱 - 58% Lebanon 🇱🇧 - 57% Tanzania 🇹🇿 - 35% Israel 🇮🇱 - 18% Singapore 🇸🇬 - 14% India 🇮🇳 - 14% Russia 🇷🇺 - 13% France 🇫🇷 - 8.8% UK 🇬🇧 - 6.3% Germany 🇩🇪 - 5.7% Greece 🇬🇷 - 5.7% Italy 🇮🇹 - 4.8% Canada 🇨🇦 - 3.2% Australia 🇦🇺 - 2.6% USA 🇺🇲 - 1.1% Argentina 🇦🇷 - 0.9% Brazil 🇧🇷 - 0.36% Japan 🇯🇵 - 0.1% North Korea 🇰🇵 -

Christian Population (% Of Total Population)

Vatican City 🇻🇦 - 100% Romania 🇷🇴 - 98% Armenia 🇦🇲 - 98% Paraguay 🇵🇾 - 97% Zambia 🇿🇲 - 95% Poland 🇵🇱 - 94% Greece 🇬🇷 - 93% Mexico 🇲🇽 - 92% DRC 🇨🇩 - 92% Colombia 🇨🇴 - 92% Panama 🇵🇦 - 92% Malta 🇲🇹 - 91% Serbia 🇷🇸 - 91% Croatia 🇭🇷 - 90% Brazil 🇧🇷 - 90% Uganda 🇺🇬 - 88% Venezuela 🇻🇪 - 88% Peru 🇵🇪 - 87% Monaco 🇲🇨 - 86% Kenya 🇰🇪 - 85% Philippines 🇵🇭 - 85% Portugal 🇵🇹 - 84% Italy 🇮🇹 - 83% Ukriane 🇺🇦 - 82% Denmark 🇩🇰 - 79% South Africa 🇿🇦 - 79% Argentina 🇦🇷 - 77% Ghana 🇬🇭 - 71% USA 🇺🇲 - 71% Spain 🇪🇸 - 71% Russia 🇷🇺 - 65% Sweden 🇸🇪 - 65% France 🇫🇷 - 63% UK 🇬🇧 - 59% Germany 🇩🇪 - 53.9% Canada 🇨🇦 - 53.3% Australia 🇦🇺 - 52% Nigeria 🇳🇬 - 49% Lebanon 🇱🇧 - 39% Czech 🇨🇿 - 34% Kuwait 🇰🇼 - 15% Egypt 🇪🇬 - 10% Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 - 5% China 🇨🇳 - 3% India 🇮🇳 - 2.3% Pakistan 🇵🇰 -1.6% Bangladesh 🇧🇩 - 0.3% Afghanistan 🇦🇫 - 0.02% Algeria 🇩🇿 - 0.01%

List of Most Followed Instagram Accounts in Pakistan (2023)

Everyday Science

Q1. Washing Soda is the common name of? Ans: *Sodium Carbonate* Q2. The Chemical Name of Laughing gas is? Ans: *Nitrous Oxide* Q3. The Cell discovered by? Ans. *Robert Hook in 1665* Q4. The Nucleus is discovered by? Ans. *Robert Brown in 1831* Q5. The Microscope was discovered by? Ans. *Galileo in 1610* Q6. Ball Pen Invented by? Ans. *Amrican Scientist Jan Lowd in 1888* Q7. Mercury is also known as?  Ans. *Quick Silver* Q8. How many Legs do butterflies have? Ans. *6 legs and 2 pair of wings* Q9. The Heart of a Normal adult human being weight about? Ans. *300 grams* Q10. What is the average adult pluse rate?  Ans. *72 - 80* Q11. The Cow's milk contains how much amount of water in terms of percentage? Ans. *80%* Q12. Instrument to detect the purity of Milk is? Ans. *Lactometer* Q13. Radioactivity was First Discovered by? Ans. *Madam Curry* Q14. Which gas is commonly used in balloons and airships? Ans. *Hydrogen* Q15. Which gas is used in the preparation of soft drinks? Ans. *Carbon d


        ➡️ Completion of Quran = 22 yrs, 5 months and 14 days. ➡️ Ghazwa e Badar = 2 hijari  ➡️ Ghazwa Uhad = 3hijari ➡️ Ghazwa e Khandak =5 hijari  ➡️ Ghazwa e Khyber = 7 hijari  ➡️ Ghazwa e Hunain = 8 hijari ➡️ Ghazwa e Mota = 8 hijari ➡️ Conquest of Makkah = 8 hijari  ➡️ Jung e Yamama = 8 hijari   ➡️ Ghazwa e Tabook = 9 hijari  ➡️ Bait- ul -Maqdas changed to Bait Ullah Shareef = 2 hijari  ➡️ Azan became compulsory = 2 hijari  ➡️ Zakat = 2 hijari  ➡️ Parda ka hukam = 4 hijari  ➡️ Bait e Rizwan/Bait e Shajar = 6 hijari  ➡️ Sulah Hudaibia = 6 hijari  ➡️ Wine was prohibited = 6 hijari  ➡️ Hajj ki faziat = 9 hijari  ➡️ Khutba hijjat-ul-wida = 10 hijari  ➡️ Interest was prohibited = 10 hijari  ➡️ 1st Hijarat e Habsha = 5 nabwi  ➡️ 2nd Hijarat e Habsha = 7 nabwi  ➡️ Maqatat e Quraish /sha'b e abi talib = 7 nabwi to 10 nabwi  ➡️ Aa,m ul hizn year = 10 nabwi  ➡️ Namaz ki farziat= 10 nabwi  ➡️ Waqia-e-mairaj = 10 nabwi  ➡️ Namaz e janaza ki farziat = 2 hijari  ➡️Roza ki farziat = 13 nabwi

Top 1000 Universities


Mount Everest

Mount Everest is the Earth's highest mountain above Sea level. *➜ Elevation*___ 8849 M *➜ Range* _____ Himalayas (Mahalangur Himal) *➜ First Ascenders* ___ On 29 May 1953, Admund Hillary (New Zealand), Tenzing Norgay (Nepal) became the first climbers. *⁠☉ Junko Tabei*___ In 1975 Japanese climber Junko Tabei became the first woman to summit Mount Everest. *⁠☉⁠ Samia Baig*____ A high_Attitude female Mountaineer from G_B (Pakistan) made history in 2013 when she became first Pakistani woman to ascend Mount Everest. *⁠☉⁠ Nazir Ahmad Sabir*___ First Pakistani to climb Mount Everest, On May 17, 2000. *⁠☉⁠ George Everest* ____ In the Nineteenth century, the Mountain was named after George Everest, a former Surveyor General of India.

Hingol National Park

Hingol National Park or Hungol National Park is the one of the largest national parks in Pakistan, located in the Makran coastal region. The park covers an area of about 6,100 square kilometres and is *located 190 km from Karachi in the three districts of Gwadar, Lasbela and Awaran in Balochistan.* *➜Area:* 6,100 km² *➜Established:* 1988 *➜hingol national park is famous for___?*  *The park is renowned for a group of mud volcanoes that spew methane and mud instead of lava.*


• *Kazakhstan* is the world's largest landlocked Country.  • *Nauru* is the only country without a capital.  • *Arabian Peninsula* is the world's largest Peninsula. • The largest country in the Arabian Peninsula is *Saudi Arabia*. • The summer solstice is the longest day of the year that occurs on *21 June*. • The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year that Occurs on *21 December*. • *Hashim Shah* wrote Sassi Punnu. • The British Communal Award was announced in *1932*. • Land between two rivers is called *Do'aba*. • *Shah Jahan* constructed Jamia Masjid Thatta. • The Indus River originates from *Mansarovar Lake*, in Tibet, China. • *Kohat* is the oldest cantonment of Pakistan. • The *largest cantonment* of Pakistan army is located in *Kharian*. • Muslims were interested in the art of *Calligraphy*. • The length of *Durand Line* is *2430 km*. • The length of Pakistan’s common border with Iran is *805 km*. • Chinese province adjoining Pakistan is *Xinkiang*. • *Jinna

Urdu Most Important Short Question

  اردو کے پہلے شاعر           امیر خسرو طوطی ہند.                      امیر خسرو  اردو کی پہلی کتاب.          سب رس  اردو کے پہلے رباعی گو.     ملاوجہی پہلے نوبل انعام یافتہ.       رابندر ناتھ ٹیکور  اردو کی پہلی شاعرہ         ماہ لقابائی چندہ  اردو نظم کے پہلے شاعر. .  نظیر اکبر آبادی  پہلے صاحب دیوان شاعر    قلی قطب پہلی صاحب دیوان شاعرہ  ماہ لقابائی چندہ اردو کے پہلے مورخ            رام بابو سکینہ اردو کا پہلا ناول.               مراۃالعروس اردو کا پہلا فسانہ.              سوزوطن اردو کے پہلےہندو شاعر.       نام دیو  اردو کی طویل ترین نظم.    مدوجزر اسلام دنیا کی طویل ترین نظم.      مہا بھارت اردو کا پہلا اخبار.               جام جہاں نما پہلے قصیدہ اور مراثیہ گو.    فضلی  اردو کے پہلے ناول نگار         ڈپٹی نزیر احمد اردو کے پہلےافسانہ نگار        پریم چند  اردو کا پہلا ڈرامہ.                اندرسبھا  پہلے پنجابی. شاعر.               بابافرید گنج شکر پشتو کے پہلے شاعر.              امیر کروڑ  پاکستان کی پہلی شاعرہ.        ادا جعفری اردو کے پہلے ہجو گو.              رفیع الدین  اردو

Famous IT Companies & Their Founders

📶 *Facebook* was founded by Mark Zuckerberg on February 4, 2004. 📶 *Twitter* was founded by _Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone & Evan Williams_ on March 21, 2006. 📶 *Apple* was founded by _Steve Job, Steve Wozniak & Ronald Wayne_  On April 1, 1976. 📶 *Instagram* was founded by _Kevin Systrom & Mike Krieger_ on October 6, 2010. 📶 *Whatsapp* was founded by _Jan kaum and Brain Acton_ in 2009. 📶 *Microsoft* was founded by _Bill Gates and Paul Allen_ on April 4, 1975. 📶 *Alibaba* was founded by _Jack Ma_ on April 4, 1999. 📶 *Amazon* was founded by Jeff Bezos on July 5, 1994. 📶 *Flipkart* was founded by _Binny Bansal and Sachin Bansal_ in October 2007. 📶 *Quora* was founded by _Adam D'Angelo and Charlie Cheever_ in June 2009. 📶 *Oracle* was founded by Larry Ellison, Bob Miner & Ed Oates on June 16, 1977. 📶 *Wikipedia* was founded by _Jimmy Wales_ and _Larry Sanger_ on January 15, 2001......