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Famous Rivers


➢ Darling Australia

➢ Red River USA

➢ Don Russia

➢ Latani Lebanon

➢ Volga Russia

➢ Danube Germany

➢ Ural Russia

➢ Amu Darya Uzbekistan/ Turkmenistan

➢ Euphrates (Farat) Turkey, Syria, Iraq

➢ Tigris (Dajla) Turkey, Syria, Iraq

➢ Mackenzie Canada

➢ Roe River (Shortest) Montana (USA) 201 Feet (61m)

➢ Longest River The Nile

➢ Largest River The Amazon

➢ Sorrow of China River Hwang Ho (Yellow River)

➢ Longest River of Europe Volga

➢ Longest River of Asia Yangtze (6300 km)


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