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1. The unit of energy produced by food in the human body is called

(a) Watt

(b) DNA

*(c) Calorie (Correct)*

(d) Ampere


2. Proteins are made of

(a) Sugar

(b) Fatty acid

(c) Nucleic acid

*(d) Amino acid (Correct)*

3. Amount of water in mammalian blood is

(a) 99%

(b) 98%

*(c) 90% (Correct)*

(d) 92%

4. Which of the following Vitamin helps in clotting of blood?

(a) Vitamin B

(b) Vitamin A

(c) Vitamin D

*(d) Vitamin K (Correct)*

5. Which of the following vitamins are fat soluble?

(a) Vitamins A,B, C, D

*(b) Vitamins A, D, E, K (Correct)*

(c) Vitamins A, B, C, D

(d) None of these

6. Which of the following is not a source of Vitamin C?

(a) Potato

(b) Tomato

(c) Guava

*(d) Milk (Correct)*


7. Ozone is present in which of the following layers of atmosphere

(a) Troposphere and Thermosphere

*(b) Troposphere and Stratosphere (Correct)*

(c) Mesosphere

(d) Thermosphere


8. The study of relationship between organism and their environment is called

*(a) Ecology (Correct)*

(b) Oncology

(c) Lithology

(d) None of these

9. Most of the ozone in the atmosphere is concentrated in the

(a) Mesosphere

(b) Troposphere

*(c) Stratosphere (Correct)*

(d) Ionosphere

10. The most abundant element in Earth’s crust is

(a) Silicon

*(b) Oxygen (Correct)*

(c) Aluminum

(d) None of these

11. Which of the following vitamins is Water soluble?

(a) Vitamins B, E

(b) Vitamins A, B

(c) Vitamins C, D

*(d) Vitamins B, C (Correct)*

12. In railway tracks, a small gap is left between the rails

*(a) To allow for the expansion during heat (Correct)*

(b) To save the cost of metal

(c) To permit the shrinkage of metal

13. Friction can be reduced by changing over from

*(a) Sliding to rolling (Correct)*

(b) Rolling to sliding

(c) Potential energy to kinetic energy

14. A solid ball of metal has a spherical cavity inside it. If the ball is heated, the volume of the cavity will

(a) Increase

*(b) Decrease (Correct)*

(c) Remain unaffected

15. As we climb up the mountain, the atmospheric pressure will

*(a) Decrease (Correct)*

(b) Increase

(c) Remain the same

(d) None of these

16. Which of the following vitamin is produced in the body with the help of sunlight?

*(a) Vitamin D (Correct)*

(b) Vitamin E

(c) Vitamin K

(d) None of these

17. Vitamin ‘D’ prevents

(a) Tooth diseases

*(b) Bone diseases (Correct)*

(c) Eye diseases

(d) Skin diseases

18. Heart attack is caused due to

(a) Blood sugar

*(b) Cholesterol (Correct)*

(c) Blood protein

(d) Blood urea

19. Which of the following diseases has posed a serious threat the world over?

(a) Tumour

(b) Paralytic stroke

*(c) AIDS (Correct)*

(d) Tuberculosis

20. Which of the following disease is not water-borne?

(a) Cholera

*(b) Influenza (Correct)*

(c) Amoebiasis

(d) Typhoid

21. Typhoid and cholera are typical examples of

(a) Infection diseases

(b) Air-borne diseases

*(c) Water-borne diseases (Correct)*

(d) None of these

22. Who invented the hydrogen bomb?

(a) J. Robert Oppenheimer

(b) Albert Einstein

*(c) Samuel Cohen (Correct)*

(d) Edward Teller

23. Logarithm tables were invented by

*(a) John Napier (Correct)*

(b) John Doe

(c) John Harrison

(d) John Douglas

24. Who invented optical fibre?

(a) Samuel Cohen

*(b) Narinder Kapany (Correct)*

(c) Percy L. Spencer

(d) T. H. Maimah

25. Brass is an alloy of

(a) Copper and Tin

*(b) Copper and Zinc (Correct)*

(c) Copper and Nickel

(d) None of these

26. A transformer is used to

(a) Increase DC voltage

*(b) Increase or decrease AC voltage (Correct)*

(c) Decrease DC voltage

(d) None of these

27. Which of the following gases is used for purification of water?

(a) Oxygen

(b) Ammonia

*(c) Chlorine (Correct)*

(d) Neon

28. Pure gold is

(a) 17 carats

(b) 20 carats

*(c) 24 carats (Correct)*

(d) 36 carats

29. Which of the following is a gas?

(a) Thorium

(b) Plutonium

(c) Mercury

*(d) Chlorine (Correct)*

30. Which one of the following mixture of gases is required in gas welding?

(a) Oxygen and ethylene

(b) Oxygen and hydrogen

*(c) Acetylene and oxygen (Correct)*

(d) All of above

31. One horse power is equal to

(a) 736 watts

*(b) 746 watts (Correct)*

(c) 748 watts

(d) 796 watts

32. Heat from the sun is received by the earth through

(a) Conduction

(b) Convection

*(c) Radiation (Correct)*

(d) Condensation

33. As the temperature of ice rises, the ice melts and its density

(a) Decreases

(b) Constant

*(c) Increases (Correct)*

(d) All of above

34. A branch of science dealing with the study of fossils is called

(a) Parasitology 

*(b) Palaeontology (Correct)*

(c) Theology

(d) Radiology

35. The theory of inheritance of acquired characters was propounded by

(a) Charles Darwin

*(b) Gregor Mendal (Correct)*

(c) J.B. Lamarck

(d) Weismann

36. Which of the following was discovered by Ronald Ross?

(a) Cholera germs

*(b) Malaria parasite (Correct)*

(c) Jaundice germs

(d) None of these

37. Radioactivity was discovered by

*(a) Henry Bequerel (Correct)*

(b) Marie Curie

(c) Newton

(d) Einstein

38. The science of heavenly bodies is called

(a) Astrophysics

*(b) Astronomy (Correct)*

(c) Astroneuties

(d) Cosmology

39. Which of the following has no blood, but respires?

(a) Cockroach

(b) Earthworm

(c) Fish

*(d) Hydra (Correct)*

40. Which of the following is the basic characteristic of a living organism?

(a) Ability to move

*(b) Ability to reproduce (Correct)*

(c) Ability to eat

(d) Ability to breath

41. In which organ of the human body are the lymphocyte cells formed?

(a) Liver

(b) Long bone

(c) Pancreas

*(d) Spleen (Correct)*

42. What is stored in the gall bladder?

(a) Enzymes

*(b) Bile (Correct)*

(c) Urea

(d) Insulin

43. The study of structures and formation of rocks and minerals on other plants is called

(a) Cosmology

(b) Virology

*(c) Astrogeology (Correct)*

(d) Histology

44. Which vitamin canot store in human body?

(a) Vitamin A

*(b) Vitamin C (Correct)*

(c) Vitamin D

(d) Vitamin E

45. Deficiency of vitamin C causes

(a) Night-blindness

(b) Beri-Beri

*(c) Scurvy (Correct)*

(d) None of these

46. Which Vitamin is known as Ascorbic Acid?

(a) Vitamin A

(b) Vitamin B

(c) Vitamin K

*(d) Vitamin C (Correct)*

47. Deficiency of Vitamin C causes

*(a) Tooth diseases (Correct)*

(b) Bone diseases

(c) Eye diseases

(d) Skin diseases

48. All forms of energy that we use are ultimately transformed into

(a) Electrical energy

*(b) Heat energy (Correct)*

(c) Light energy

(d) Chemical energy

49. Water helps in the metabolism process in the presence of

(a) Amino acids

(b) Ribonucleic Acid

(c) Proteins

*(d) Enzymes (Correct)*

50. The proteins are made in the cells under the instructions of

*(a) Genes (Correct)*

(b) DNA

(c) RNA

(d) Ribosome

51. Which is an essential constituent of diet?

*(a) Starch


(b) Glucose

(c) Amino acid

(d) None of these

52. Deficiency of iron in human diet causes:

(a) Goitre

(b) Scurvy

*(c) Anaemia (Correct)*

(d) Rickets

53. Which of the following acids secreted internally, helps in digestion?

(a) Formalin

(b) Citric

*(c) Hydrochloric (Correct)*

(d) Acetic

54. After drinking contaminated water, you would be most apt to develop symptoms of

(a) Malaria 

*(b)Typhoid fever (Correct)*

(c) Yellow fever

(d) Formalin

55. Recording of brain waves from outer surface of head is called

(a) E.C.G.

(b) MRI

(c) C.T. scans

*(d) E.E.G (Correct)*

56. Which one of the following is an example of hereditary disease?

(a) AIDS

*(b) Hemophilia (Correct)*

(c) Syphilis

(d) Formalin

57. Hair, finger nails, hoofs etc. are all made of?

(a) Fat

(b) Vitamins

*(c) Proteins (Correct)*

(d) Iron

58. What type of infection is tuberculosis?

(a) Viral

*(b) Bacterial (Correct)*

(c) Fungal

(d) Parasitic

59. AIDS virus destroys the ________ system of the human body.

(a) Circulation

*(b) Immune (Correct)*

(c) Digestion

(d) Brain

60. Which sets of colour combinations is added in colour vision in TV?

*(a) Red, green and blue (Correct)*

(b) Orange, black and violet

(c) White, red and yellow

61. Water cannot be used to extinguish fire caused by an electric current because

*(a) It may cause another short circuit (Correct)*

(b) It may cause hydrolysis

(c) It may cause electrocution

62. Cloudy nights are warmer because

*(a) Clouds prevent radiation of heat from ground to air (Correct)*

(b) Of low atmospheric pressure

(c) Of the compact density of air

63. Food is cooked quickly in a pressure cooker because

(a) Boiling point of water is decreased

*(b) Boiling point of water is increased (Correct)*

(c) It absorbs heat quickly

64. The AIDS virus is called.

(a) A.I.B

(b) B.I.H

*(c) H.I.V (Correct)*

(d) V.I.H

65. Cataract is a disease which is due to

(a) A defect in the optic nerve

(b) Inflammation in the eye

*(c) Opacity of cornea (Correct)*

(d) Opacity of lens

66. In which form glucose is stored in the liver?

(a) Lactic acid

(b) Lactose

(c) Ribose

*(d) Glycogen (Correct)*

67. Mercury thermometer was invented by

*(a) Galileo (Correct)*

(b) Fahrenheit

(c) Newton

(d) Priestly

68. John Walker invented

*(a) Safety match (Correct)*

(b) Safety razor

(c) Safety pin

(d) Safety valve

69. Gun powder was invented by

*(a) Roger Bacon (Correct)*

(b) Alfred Nobel

(c) Albert Einstein

(d) Alexander Fleming

70. Who among the following does not have a chemical element named after him?

(a) Albert Einstein

(b) Enrico Fermi

*(c) Isaac Newton (Correct)*

(d) Mendeleev

71. In which country alcohol is used as fuel for vehicles

(a) U.S.A

*(b) Brazil (Correct)*

(c) Japan

(d) Germany

72. The device used for the measurement of current, voltage and resistance is

*(a) AVO meter (Correct)*

(b) Galvanometer

(c) Ammeter

(d) Ohmmeter

73. Silicon is a

*(a) Semi-conductor (Correct)*

(b) Insulator

(c) Superconductor

(d) Conductor

74. What is Penicillin?

(a) Vitamin

(b) Hormone

*(c) Antibiotic (Correct)*

(d) Analgesic

75. Liver produces?

(a) Hormones

*(b) Bile (Correct)*

(c) Enzymes

(d) HCl

76. Lack of ________ causes diabetes

(a) Sugar

*(b) Insulin (Correct)*

(c) Calcium

(d) Vitamins

77. Triple antigen vaccine is given to children to protect them against

(a) Polio

*(b) Whooping cough (Correct)*

(c) Tuberculosis

(d) Contagious diseases

78. Storage batteries commonly contain

(a) Copper

(b) Mercury

*(c) Lead (Correct)*

(d) Iron

79. Water is a universal solvent for what reactions.

(a) Physical

(b) Chemical

(c) Nuclear

*(d) Biochemical (Correct)*

80. The volume percentage of nitrogen in air is

(a) 60%

(b) 67%

(c) 74%

*(d) 78% (Correct)

81. Air contains volume of carbon dioxide approximately;

(a) 3 %

(b) 33%

(c) 0.3 %

*(d) 0.03% (Correct)*

82. The gases which are used by divers as an artificial atmosphere are helium and;

(a) Nitrogen

*(b) Oxygen (Correct)*

(c) Neon

(d) None of these

83. Which of the following is involved in blood clotting?

(a) Sodium

(b) Magnesium

*(c) Calcium (Correct)*

(d) Potassium

84. Which of the following vitamins is essential for bone and teeth formation?

(a) Vitamin A

(b) Vitamin B

(c) Vitamin C

*(d) Vitamin D (Correct)*

85. The richest source of vitamin D is:

*(a) Cod liver oil (Correct)*

(b) Spinach

(c) Milk

(d) Cheese

86. Which of the following vitamins is synthesized in the body by intestinal bacteria?

(a) Vitamin B1

(b) Vitamin B4

(c) Vitamin D

*(d) Vitamin K (Correct)*

87. The vitamin capable of formation of blood is

(a) Vitamin A

*(b) Vitamin B (Correct)*

(c) Vitamin C

(d) Vitamin D

88. Entomology is the science which deals with

(a) Plants

(b) Animals

*(c) Insects (Correct)*

(d) Chemicals

89. Which of the following is a mammal?

(a) Ostrich

(b) Crocodile

*(c) Platypus (Correct)*

(d) Duck

90. Respiratory centre is situated in:

(a) Cerebrum

(b) Cerebellum

*(c) Medulla oblongata (Correct)*

(d) Diencephalon

91. The normal temperature of the human body is:

(a) 90F

(b) 98F

*(c) 98.6F (Correct)*

(d) 96.4F

92. The total number of bones in human skull

(a) 28

(b) 42

*(c) 22 (Correct)*

(d) 37

93. In brain, the site for intelligence, memory and emotion is present in

*(a) Cerebrum (Correct)*

(b) Cerebellum

(c) Medulta

(d) Hypothalamus

94. The longest and the strongest bone in the human body is

(a) Tibia

(b) Pelvis

*(c) Femur (Correct)*

(d) Jaw

95. By taking pulse rate of the human body a doctor determines

(a) Condition of the liver

(b) Amount of blood in the body

(c) Checks the lungs

*(d) Heart beat (Correct)*

96. Hepatitis B is a disease of

(a) Lungs

(b) Heart

*(c) Liver (Correct)*

(d) Kidney

97. Who discovered circulation of blood in the human body?

(a) Edward Jenner

(b) Joseph Lister

*(c) William Harvey (Correct)*

(d) Jonon Esals

98. Who was the surgeon who pioneered antiseptic surgery?

(a) Edward Jenner

*(b) Joseph Lister (Correct)*

(c) Henry William

(d) John Gleeman

99. The credit of inventing the television goes to

(a) Faraday

*(b) Baird (Correct)*

(c) Edison

(d) Marconi

100. Alfred Nobel is associated with the invention of

(a) Cosmic rays

*(b) Dynamite (Corre)*

(c) Dynamo


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