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Human Skeleton System Bone's Name And Functions*💫💫


1. **Cranium**: The skull, which protects the brain.

2. **Mandible**: The lower jawbone, which supports the lower teeth and aids in chewing.

3. **Maxilla**: The upper jawbone, which holds the upper teeth in place.

4. **Zygomatic bones**: Also known as cheekbones, they form the prominence of the cheeks and contribute to the eye socket.

5. **Nasal bones**: Form the bridge of the nose.

6. **Frontal bone**: Forms the forehead and protects the frontal lobe of the brain.

7. **Parietal bones (2)**: Form the top and sides of the skull.

8. **Occipital bone**: Forms the back and base of the skull.

9. **Temporal bones (2)**: Form the sides and base of the skull and contain the ear structures.

10. **Sphenoid bone**: Contributes to the base of the skull and orbits of the eyes.

11. **Ethmoid bone**: Forms part of the nasal cavity and orbits of the eyes.

12. **Hyoid bone**: Located in the neck, it supports the tongue and provides attachment for some neck muscles.


13. **Cervical vertebrae (7)**: Make up the neck region of the spine.

14. **Thoracic vertebrae (12)**: Make up the upper back region of the spine and articulate with the ribs.

15. **Lumbar vertebrae (5)**: Make up the lower back region of the spine and support the weight of the upper body.

16. **Sacrum**: A triangular bone formed by the fusion of five sacral vertebrae.

17. **Coccyx**: Also known as the tailbone, it is formed by the fusion of four coccygeal vertebrae.

18. **Sternum**: Also known as the breastbone, it is located in the center of the chest and protects the heart and lungs.

19. **Ribs (24)**: Twelve pairs of ribs that protect the chest cavity and assist in breathing.

20. **Clavicle (2)**: Collarbones that connect the shoulder blades to the sternum.

21. **Scapula (2)**: Shoulder blades that provide attachment for arm muscles.

22. **Humerus (2)**: Upper arm bones that connect the shoulder to the elbow.

23. **Radius (2)**: Forearm bones on the thumb side.

24. **Ulna (2)**: Forearm bones on the pinky side.

25. **Carpals (16)**: Eight bones in each wrist that provide flexibility and support.

26. **Metacarpals (10)**: Bones in the palm of the hand.

27. **Phalanges (28)**: Finger bones, with each finger having three phalanges (proximal, middle, and distal), except the thumb, which has two.

28. **Pelvis**: Comprised of the ilium, ischium, and pubis bones, it supports the trunk and provides attachment for the lower limbs.

29. **Femur (2)**: Thigh bones, the longest and strongest bones in the body.

30. **Patella (2)**: Kneecaps that protect the knee joint and assist in movement.

31. **Tibia (2)**: Shinbones, larger and weight-bearing bones of the lower leg.

32. **Fibula (2)**: Thinner bones of the lower leg that provide stability and support.

33. **Tarsals (14)**: Seven bones in each ankle that provide stability and support.

34. **Metatarsals (10)**: Bones in the arch of the foot.

35. **Phalanges (28)**: Toe bones, similar to finger phalanges. Home of zoology


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