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Afghanistan — Shoora

Andorra — General Council

Albania — People's Assembly

Azerbaijan — Melli Majlis

Algeria — National People's Assembly

Angola — National People's Assembly

Argentina — National Congress

Australia — Federal Parliament

Austria — National Assembly

Bahamas — General Assembly

Bahrain — Consultative Council

Bangladesh — Jatiya Sansad

Belize — National Assembly

Bhutan — Tshogdu

Bolivia — National Congress

Brazil — National Congress

Brunei — National Assembly

Botswana — National Assembly

Britain — Parliment (House of Common's & House of Lords)

Bulgaria — Narodno Subranie.

Cambodia — National Assembly

Congo Democratic — Rep. of National Legislative Council

Colombia — Congress

Canada — Parliament

China — National People's Congress

Chile — Chamber of Deputies and Senate

Comoros — Legislative Council and Senate

Costa Rice — Legislative Council and Senate

Crotia — Sabor

Cuba — National Assembly of People's Power

Czech Republic — Chamber of Deputies and Senate

Denmark — Folketing

Ecuador — Natinal Congress

El Salvador — Legislative Assembly

East Timor — Constituent Assembly

Ethiopia — Federal Council and House of Representative

Egypt — People's Assembly

Fiji Islands — Senate & House of Representative

France — National Assembly

Finland — Eduskusta (Parliament)

Germany — Bundestag(Lower


Guyana — National Assembly

Greece — Chamber of Deputies

Hungary — National Assembly

Iceland — Althing

India — Parliament

Indonesia — People's Consultative Assembly

Iran — Majlis

Iraq — National Assembly

Italy — Chamber of Deputies and Senate

Japan — Diet

Jordan — National Assembly

Korea(North) — Supreme People's Assembly

Korea(South) — National Assembly

Kuwait — National Assembly

Kenya — National Assembly

Laos — People's Supreme Assembly

Labanon — National Assembly

Lesotho — National Assembly and Senate

Lithuania — Seimas

Luxembourg — Chamber of Deputies

Liberia — National Assembly

Libya — General People's Congress

Malaysia — Dewan Rakyat and Dewan Negara

Maldives — Majlis Madagascar — National People's Assembly

Mongolia — Great People's Khural

Montenegro — Federal Assembly

Mozambique — People's Assembly

Myanmar — Pyithu Hluttaw

Nepal — National Panchayat

Netherlands — The State General

Norway — Storting

New Zealand — Parliament (House of Representative)

Oman — Monarchy

Pakistan — National Assembly & Senate

Paraguay — Senate & Chamber of Deputies

Philippines — The Congress

Papua New Guinea — National Parliament

Poland — Sejm

Romania — Great National Assembly

Russia — Duma & Federal Council

Serbia — Federal Assembly

Senegal — National Assembly

Seychelles — People's Assembly

Somalia — People's Assembly

South Africa — Rep. House of Assembly

Spain — Cortes

Sweden — Riksdag

Saudi Arabia — Majlis Al Shura

Sudan — National Assembly

Switzerland — Federal Assembly

Syria — People's Council

Turkey — Grand National Assembly

Tunisia — National Assembly

USA — Congress

Vietnam — National Assembly

Venezuela — National Congress

Zaire — National Legislative Council

Zambia — National Assembly.


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