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■》 1. When the stock market is rising it is called Bullish. 

■》2. When the stock market is falling it is called Bearish 

■》3. Pakistan’s fiscal year starts from 1st July and end 30 June. 

■》4. State Bank of Pakistan was established in July 1st 1948 

■》5. Headquarters of UNESCO (United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization) is located in Brussels, Belgium. 

■》6. Headquarters of RAW (Research and Analysis Wing, Secret agency of India) is located in New Delhi, India. 

■》7. RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) was established in 21 September 1968.

■》8. The currency of IMF (International Monetary Fund) is called SDRs (Special Drawing Right). 

■》9. Father of Economics, Adam Smith and Adam Smith book “Wealth of Nations” (1776) is also known as “Bible of Capitalism” 

■》10. Father of Socialism Karl Marx and his book “Das Capital” (1867) is also known as “Bible of Socialism” 

■》11. Death Valley is located in California USA. 

■》12. Genesis is a last book of Bible 

■》13. Black Gold is also name of Oil. 

■》14. NASA is a space agency of USA.

■》15. “Origin of Species” is Written by Charlas Darwin” 

■》16. Darwin book "Origin of Species" published on: 24 November 1859 

■》17. ISBN stand for “International Standard Book Number” 

■》18. World lowest sea is Dead Sea 

■》19. Total elements known are 109. 

■》20. Parsee is a unit of distance

■》21. Mars has two moon called “Phobos” and “Deimos”

■》22. Mars is called Red Planet. 

■》23. Red, Yellow and Blue are Primary colors.

■》24. CIA: Central Intelligence Agency 

■》25. ISI: Inter Services Intelligence 

■》26. 11 July: World Population Day

■》27. 12 July: International Malala Day

■》28. 18 July: Nelson Mandela International Day. 

■》29. Venus is called the: morning stars.

■》30. Venus rotates: clockwise.

■》31. CO2: Carbon dioxide 32. H2O: Water 

■》33. Jupiter is largest Planet of Universe. 

■》34. Who many moons of Jupiter planet: 16 Moons 

■》35. FATA stands for Federal Administrated tribal Areas 

■》36. FATA comprises of 7 Agencies and 6 FR.

■》37. The height of K-2 is: 8,611

■》38. In which of the following years Pakistan joined UNO: 30 September 1947 

■》39. Golmal Zam Dam is located in: South Waziristan

■》40. How many countries are the members of SAARC? Members 8 

■》41. How many colors a spectrum has: 7 colors 

■》42. When was UNO formed? 24th Oct 1945

■》43. Who wrote the famous novel "war and Peace": Lao Tolstoy (Russian author) first edition published on 1869 

■》44. Who is known as the "Father of Modern Astronomy”: Nicolas Copernicus

■》45. Who presented poor man budget: Liaquat Ali Khan. 

■》46. MI5 (Military Intelligence Section-5) is the secret intelligence agency of: UK (Established, October 1909) 

■》47. When National Accountability Bureau (NAB) was established? Nov 16, 1999 Present Chairman: Qamar Zaman Chaudhry, Headquarter: Islamabad. 

■》48. Who wrote “Paradise Lost”? John Milton 

■》49. Which city is located in two continents? Istanbul 

■》50. International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) was founded by: J H Durant Explanation: ICRC Established on 17 February 1863, Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland. The International Committee of the Red Cross was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1917, 1944 and 1963. 

■》51. Headquarters of CIA (Central Intelligence Agency, Secret agency of USA) is located Virginia, US 

■》52. CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) was established in 18 September 1947. 

■》53. Father Urdu: Malvi Abd-Ul-Haq 

V54 . Who was the first president of US?: George Washington 

■》55. Dr. Abdul Salam receives the Nobel Prize in Physics in: 1979 (First Nobel Prize winner in history of Pakistan, Now Malala Yousafzai receives Nobel Prize in (Peace 2014)

■》56. Greenwich Mean Time was established in: 1884

■》57. Who first translated the Holy Quran into Persian : Shah Wali-Ullah

■》 58. “Land of Rising Sun” is the famous name of: Japan 

■》59. K-2 is also known as: Goodwin Austin

■》60. The famous book “Jinnah of Pakistan’ is written by: Stanly Wolpert 

■》61. Proton discovered by German physicist E. Goldstein in: 1886 

■》62. Neutron discovered by James Chadwick (Noble Prize laureate in 1935, Physics) in : 1932 ■》63. Proton charge is: positively 

■》64. The word atom is derived from the Greek word Atomos meaning: Indivisible 65. Chairmen of the Senate of Pakistan : Raza Rabbani 

■》66. Chairman of NADRA : Usman Mobin 

■》67. Director General of ISI : Lt Gen Naveed Mukhtar (11 December 2016-Present) 

■》68. Director General of FIA safdar Ali Malik, Established 13 January 1975, H.Q: Islamabad ■》69. Director General of Intelligence Bureau (IB) Aftab Sultan (Established: August 17, 1947, H.Q: Islamabad)

■》70. In which month Russian revolution was started? : February, 1917

■》71. Russia launched its space mission to moon in 1957. Tell the date? : 4th October 

■》72. Secretary General of UNO belongs to which country? : South Korea 

■》73. Which Country Christopher Columbus belonged to? : Italy 

■》74. Pythagoras belonged to which country? : Greece 

■》75. Isaac Newton belonged to which country? : England


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