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Today's Dose

Qn1: total coastline of pakistan?

Ans: 1046km

Qn2: cheapest sourse of energy?

Ans: solar

Qn3: killer mountain?

Ans: Nanga parbat

Qn4: Baran river flows in?

Ans: Sindh

Qn5: Ghazwa abwa is alos known?

Ans: widdan

Qn6: Najeebullah tittle of ?

Ans: Hazrat yahya (A.S)

Qn7: Death of Akbar?

Ans: 1605

Qn8: shalimar bagh made in?

Ans: 1643 by (shahjan)

Qn9: incident of Khanpur?

Ans: 1913

Qn10: capital of Angola?

Ans: luanda

Qn11: city of colleges?

Ans: lohore

Qn12: largest desert of pakistan?

Ans: Thar ( sindh)

Qn13: SCO shanghai cooperation organization found in?

Ans: april 26 1996

Qn14: AMF stand for?

Ans: Arab monetary fund

Qn15: When azad kashmir got independence?

Ans: 24oct 1947

Qn16: Cripps mission?

Ans: 1942

Qn17: Governor of bolochistan?

Ans: (R)  judge Amanullah khan 

Qn18: pirpur report was eastablished?

Ans: 1938

Qn19: The deepest lake in world?

Ans: Baikal

Qn20: capital of palestine?

Ans: Ramallah. 

Qn21: Hazrat Hamza embraced islam?

Ans: 4th nabvi

Qn22: founder of chemistry?

Ans: jabbir bin Hayyan

Qn23: Headquarter of ECO?

Ans: Tehran (iran)

Qn24: father of english poetry?

Ans: Geffery chancer

Qn25: Man of the Destiny?

Ans: Nepoloen

Qn26: The largest living bird is?

Ans: Ostrich

Qn27: who invented the hydrogen bomb?

Ans: Samuel cohen

Qn28: Treaty of hudaibiyah?

Ans: 6hijri

Qn29: which book is called Gospel?

Ans: Injeel

Qn30: Naples is seaport of ?

Ans: italy

Qn31: Boundry line b/w india & china?

Ans: Mcmohan line

Qn32:first space satellite was laughed by pak in?

Ans: 1990

Qn33: G.T road was built by?

Ans: Sher shah suri

Qn34: The most populated city is?

Ans: Tokyo

Qn35: length of pak & china border?

Ans: 595km

Qn36: Taipei is capital of?

Ans: Taiwan

Qn37: The first viceroy of india was? 

Ans: lord canning

Qn38: The kargil tragey?

Ans: 1999

Qn39: Nadir shah invaded india?

Ans: 1739

Qn40: farz of hajj?

Ans: 3

Qn41: first source of shariah?

Ans: Quran

Qn42: Savak is secret agency of?

Ans: iran


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