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Showing posts from December, 2022

Important Shortcuts Keys For Computer

CTRL+A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Select All CTRL+C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Copy CTRL+X. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cut CTRL+V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paste CTRL+Z. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Undo CTRL+B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bold CTRL+U. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Underline CTRL+I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Italic F1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Help F2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rename selected object F3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Find all files F4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Opens file list drop-down in dialogs F5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Refresh current window F6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shifts focus in Windows Explorer F10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Activates menu bar options ALT+TAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cycles between open applications ALT+F4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quit program, close current windo

*Pakistani Writers' Famous Books*

*"Moth Smoke"* by *Mohsin Hamid:* Novel tells the story of a man who is struggling to find his place in society. Published in *2000*. *"The Shadow of the Crescent Moon"* by *Fatima Bhutto:* Novel is set in the city of Mir Ali in Pakistan's tribal areas, follows the lives of three young men who face challenges of living in a conflict-ridden region. Published in *2013*. *"The Golden Legend"* by *Nadeem Aslam:* Novel is set in a small Pakistani village, tells the story of a group of people who are caught up in a series of violent events. Published in *2017*. *"A Case of Exploding Mangoes"* by *Mohammed Hanif:* Novel is a satirical take on the life and death of Pakistani dictator General Zia ul-Haq. Published in *2008*. *"The Wandering Falcon"* by *Jamil Ahmad:* Collection of short stories set in the tribal areas of Pakistan and Afghanistan, tells the stories of the people who live there. Published in *2011*.

*Seven Wonders of the World*

  1. *The Colosseum, Rome, Italy* The Colosseum is the great oval amphitheater in the center of Rome where gladiators once fought for their life. Built from *72 AD to 80 AD*. 2. *The Great Wall of China* Built in *220 BCE* by China’s first Emperor Qin Shi Huang. 3. The Taj Mahal, India On the bank of the Yamuna River, Agra. *Built by Shah Jahan*, construction starting in *1632 AD* and completed in *1648 AD*. 4. *Christ the Redeemer, Brazil* Statue of Christ the Redeemer stands over *Rio de Janeiro* on the top of *Mount Corcovado*. At *30 meters* tall.  5. *Machu Picchu, Peru* It's a lost treasure of the *15th century*. Discovered by American historian *Hiram Bingham in 1911*. 6. *Chichén Itzá, Mexico* A historic Mayan city built between the *9th and 12th centuries*. Constructed by the pre-Columbian Mayan tribe Itzá 7. *Petra, Jordan* Petra also known as the *‘Rose city’*. Dates back in *312 BC*. Uncovered in *1812* by Swiss explorer *Johann Ludwig Burckhardt*.

*🔯 Core Chemistry concepts and related MCQS

☆Ordinary salt ➠ NaCl ✶ baking soda ➠ NaHCO₃ ✶ Wash the soda ➠ Na₂CO₃ · 10H₂O ✶ Caustic soda ➠ NaOH ✶ Suhga ➠ Na₂B₄O₇ · 10H₂O.     ✶ alum➠ K₂SO₄ · Al₂ (SO₄) ₃ · 24H₂O ✶ red medicine ➠ KMnO₄ ✶ Caustic potash ➠ KOH ✶ Shura ➠ KNO₃ ✶ Bleach bleaching ➠ Ca (OCl) · Cl ✶ Lime water ➠ Ca (OH) ₂ ✶ Gypsum ➠ CaSO₄ · 2H₂O ✶ Plaster of Paris➠ CaSO₄ · ½H₂O ✶ Choke ➠ CaCO₃ ✶ limestone ➠ CaCO₃ ✶ marble ➠ CaCO₃ ✶ Salon ➠ NH₄Cl ✶ Laughing gas ➠ N₂O ✶ Litharge ➠ PbO ✶ Galena ➠ PbS ✶ red vermilion ➠ Pb₃O₄ ✶ white lead ➠2PbCO₃ · Pb (OH) ₂ ✶ salt acid ➠ HCl ✶ Shure Acid ➠ HNO₃ ✶ Acarus ➠ HNO₃ + HCl (1: 3) ✶ dry ice ➠ CO₂ ✶ green clasp ➠ FeSO₄ · 7H₂O ✶ Horn Silver ➠ AgCl ✶ heavy water ➠ D₂O ✶ Producer gas ➠ CO + N₂ ✶ vinegar ➠ CH₃COOH ✶ gamaxine ➠ C₆H₆Cl₆ ✶ Blue Kassis ➠ CuSO₄ · 5H₂O ✶ alcohol ➠ C₂H₅OH ✶ Manda ➠ C₆H₁₀O₅ ✶ Grapes juice ➠ C₆H₁₂O₆ ✶ Chinese ➠ C₁₂H₂₂O₁₁ ✶ Urea ➠ NH₂CONH₂ ✶ benzene ➠ C₆H₆ ✶ turpentine oil ➠ C₁₀H₁₆.


 ⚘٭ *بِســــــــــمِ اللّــــہِ الرَّحـــــمٰنِ الرَّحِیــــمِ* ٭⚘ *⬅️ جس نے رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی اطاعت کی، اس نے اللہ تعالیٰ کی اطاعت کی ؟* *1⃣قرآنی آیت ہے✔* 2⃣حدیث ہے 3⃣تابعی کا قول ہے 4⃣بزرگ کا قول ہے *⬅️ عیدین کی نمازیں ہیں ؟* 1⃣فرض *2⃣واجب✔* 3⃣سنت 4⃣نفل *⬅️ رمضان کے روزے ________ ہجری میں فرض ہوۓ ؟* 1⃣ 5 *2⃣ 2✔* 3⃣ 3 4⃣ 4 *⬅️ سورة النسا ٕ ________ پارے میں شروع ہوتی ہے ؟* 1⃣ 7 2⃣ 6 3⃣ 5 *4⃣ 4✔* *⬅️ سورة النسا ٕ میں کل ___________ آیات ہے ؟* 1⃣ 200 2⃣ 286 *3⃣ 176✔* 4⃣ 285 *⬅️ سورة آل عمران میں کل________ آیات ہیں ؟* 1⃣ 176 2⃣ 285 3⃣ 286 *4⃣ 200✔️* *⬅️ سورة الماٸدہ میں کل _______ رکوع ہے ؟* 1⃣ 14 2⃣ 12 *3⃣ 16✔* 4⃣ 17 *⬅️ پانچویں پارے میں کل _________رکوع ہیں ؟* 1⃣16 *2⃣17✔* 3⃣14 4⃣19 *⬅️ ماہ رمضان میں ایک فرض ادا کرنے کا ثواب کتنے فرضوں کے برابر ہوتا ہے؟* 1⃣ 30 2⃣ 40 *3⃣ 70✔* 4⃣ 80 *⬅️ مسلمانوں نے مکہ سے کس طرف ہجرت کی؟* 1⃣بغداد 2⃣دمشق 3⃣کوفہ *4⃣مدینہ✔* *⬅️ مواخات مدینہ کس صحابی کے گھر سر انجام پاٸی ؟* *1⃣انس بن مالک ؓ ✔* 2⃣ایوب انصاری ؓ 3⃣سعد بن ربیع ؓ 4⃣عتبان ؓ

Champions 2022 FiFa World Cup

  🇦🇷 ARGENTINA ARE #FIFAWORLDCUP CHAMPIONS 2022 Argentina Winner Runner Up France FIFA World Cup 2022 👉  Hosted by Qatar 👉  22nd Edition 👉  $220 Billion Worth 👉 Final Date 18 December 2022 , National Day   of Qatar is 18 December. 👉  Champion : Argentina  👉 Runners-Up : France


Largest Continent *Asia* Largest Ocean *Pacific* Largest River *Amazon* Largest River Basin *Amazon* Largest Lake (salt water) *Caspian sea* Largest Lake (fresh water) *Lake Superior* Largest Bay *Hudson Bay* Largest Gulf *Gulf of Mexico* Largest Sea *South China Sea* Largest peninsula *Arabia* Largest Island *Greenland* Largest Country (in Area) *Russia* Largest Country (in population) *China* Largest Airport *King Khalid International Airport at Riyaz* Largest Mosque *Shah Faisal Mosque* Largest Embassy *Russian Embassy* Largest Church *St.Peter's (Rome)* Largest Desert *Sahara (Africa)* Largest Library *US library of Congress* Largest Animal *Bhue Whale* Largest Land Animal *The African Elephant* Largest Democracy *India* Largest palace *Imperical Palace (Beijing)* Largest Dam *Three Gorges (China)* Largest Park *Wood Buffalo National Park Canada* Largest Zoo *Krugal National Park S.Africa* Largest Island Sea *Mediterranean Sea* Largest City (population) *Tokyo/Jaest Wall *The g

🗣️ *2022-FIFA World Cup ...!!*

FIFA world cup 2022 held in:  *Qatar* 2022-FIFA world 2022 began on: *21 November 2022* FIFA world cup 2022 ends on:  *18 December 2022* The most expensive FIFA world cup in history: *2022 FIFA world cup* Official sponsors of FIFA world cup-2022 are: *QatarEnerg, Crypto, BYJ'US* This will be the first world cup in any:  *Arab & Muslim Country* What is the name of the Mascot of world cup-2022?  *La'eeb* FIFA current president:  *Gianni Infantino* Which country won most FIFA world cups with five times?  *Brazil* Which country has ranked top in FIFA world ranking?  *Brazil* Who has become the only player to score 815 goals in football history *Cristiano ronaldo* Which is the number one game in the world? *Soccer (Football)* The 2018 world cup was hosted by?  *Russia* The 2018 world cup was won by?  *France* Which country was the runner up of the 2018 FIFA world cup?  *Croatia* Pakistan FIFA  world rankings:  *200th out of 211* FIFA announced co-host of the 2023 wo

>>Famous Dams, Lakes, Barrage, Doabs, Passes.

*DAMs* Largest Dam>Tarbela(1976) Highest Dam>Mangla(1967) Smallest Dam>Warsak(1960) *LAKEs* Manchhar Lake>Sindh(Dadu District) Keenjher Lake>Sindh(Thatta) Saiful Maluk>Kaghan Valley(Naran) Sat Para>Baltistan(Skardu) *BARRAGEs* Indus River> 6 (Chasma,Guddu,Jinnah,Kotri,Sukkar,Taunsa)  Chenab River> 4 (Trimmu,Khanki,Marala,Qadirabad)  Ravi River> 2 (Balloki,Sidhnai)  Satluj River> 2 (Islam,Sulemanki)  Jehlum River> 2 (Rasul,Trimmu) *DOABs* Bari Doab= Between Bias & Ravi River Rachna Doab=Between Ravi & Chanab River Chaj Doab=Between Chanab & Jehlum River Sidh Sagar Doab=Between Indus & Jehlum River *Passes* Tochi Pass=Connect Ghazni & Banu Gomal Pass=Connect DI Khan & Ghazni Karakoram Pass=Connect Kashmir & China Khybar Pass=Connect Peshawar & Kabul Khojak Pass=Connect Quetta & Chaman Khunjarab Pass=Connect Pakistan & China Malakand Pass=Connect Peshawar & Chitral Lawari Pass=Connect Dir & Chitral Shangla

🌎The World History🌎

Q. The first Olympiad was held in Greece in the year? Ans. 776 BC Q. Rome was founded in the year? Ans. 753 BC Q. The Great wall of China was built in the year? Ans. 214 BC Q. The first voyage around the world was undertook by whom in 1522? Ans. Magellan Q. The first President of USA was? Ans. George Washington Q. Which Battle marked the end of Napoleon era? Ans. Waterloo Q. The American War of Independence was fought between? Ans. America and Great Britain Q. Adolf Hitler was also known as? Ans. Fuhrer Q. The first woman in world to become the Prime minister of a country was? Ans. Sirimao Bandara Naike Q. The Emperor of Germany who dismissed his Chancellor Bismark in 1980 was? Ans. William II Q. Two Presidents of USA were father and son.Their names were? Ans. John Adams & Quincey Q. The UNO came into existance in? Ans. 1945 AD Q. The king of England before Elizabeth II was? Ans. George VI Q. Queen Elizabeth I ascended the throne of England in the year? Ans. 1558 AD Q. The Statue o

Computer Abbrivations:

CPU = Central Processing Unit RAM = Random Access Memory ROM = Read Only Memory PROM = Programmable Read Only Memory EPROM = Erasable PROM EEPROM = Electrically EPROM HDD = Hard Disk Drive FDD = Floppy Disk Drive KBD = KeyBoard I/O = Input & Output CD = Compact Disk DVD = Digital Video Disk SMPS = Switch Mode Power Supply POST = Power ON Self Test BIOS = Basic Input Output System VDU = Visible Display Unit LED = Light Embedded Diode  LCD = Liquid Crystal Display USB = Universal Serial Bus VGA = Video/Visual Graphic Adapter LAN = Local Area Network WAN = Wide Area Network MAN = Metropolitan Area Network HLL = High Level Language LLL = Low Level Language MIPS = Million of Instruction Per Second Mbps = Mega Bytes Per second Kbps = Kilo Bytes per second HTTP = Hyper Text Templates WWW = World Wide Web IP = Internet Protocol ISP = Internet Service Provider 4 Bits = 1 Nibble 8 Bits = 1 Byte 1024 Bytes = 1 Kilo Byte ( KB ) 1024 KB = 1 Mega Byte ( MB ) 1024 MB =

* Al-Quran MCQS *

• Kalima Tayyaiba is mentioned in Quran for 2 times. • The word Quran means “read one”. • 114 total number of Surah • Surah means city of Refuge. • 86 Makki Surah. • 28 Madine Surah. • 558 Rukus. • Al-Baqrah is the longest Surah. • Al- Kausar is the shortest Surah. • 14 bows are in Quran. • First bow occurs in 9th Para i.e Al-Inaam Surah. • Al-Faitha is the preface of the holy Quran. • Five verses were reveled in the first wahy. • Namaz commanded in quran for 700 times. • Al-Mudassar-2nd Revealed Surah. • Al-Muzammil- 3rd Revealed Surah. • Al-Tauba does not start with Bismillah. • Al-Namal contains two Bismillahs. • Three surah starts with curse. • 6666 is the number of Ayats. • 29 total number of Mukata’t. • Hazrat Usman was the first Hafiz of the Holy Quran. • Hazrat Khalid Bin Saeed, the first writer of Wahy. • 12 Ghazawahs described in Holy Quran (total 27). • Abdullah Ibn Abbas, the first commentator of the Quran and also known as interpreter of the Quaran. • In surah Al-Saf

FIFA World Cup 2022

FIFA world cup 2022 held in:  *Qatar* 2022-FIFA world 2022 began on: *21 November 2022* FIFA world cup 2022 ends on:  *18 December 2022* The most expensive FIFA world cup in history: *2022 FIFA world cup* Official sponsors of FIFA world cup-2022 are: *QatarEnerg, Crypto, BYJ'US* This will be the first world cup in any:  *Arab & Muslim Country* What is the name of the Mascot of world cup-2022?  *La'eeb* FIFA current president:  *Gianni Infantino* Which country won most FIFA world cups with five times?  *Brazil* Which country has ranked top in FIFA world ranking?  *Brazil* Who has become the only player to score 815 goals in football history *Cristiano ronaldo* Which is the number one game in the world? *Soccer (Football)* The 2018 world cup was hosted by?  *Russia* The 2018 world cup was won by?  *France* Which country was the runner up of the 2018 FIFA world cup?  *Croatia* Pakistan FIFA world rankings:  *200th out of 211* FIFA announced co-host of the 2023 wo


5: Number of ribs: 24 (12 pair) 6: Heart chamber number: 4 7: Largest artery: Aorta 8: Normal blood pressure: 120/80 Mmhg 9: Blood Ph: 7.4 10: Number of vertebrae in spinal column: 33 11: Number of vertebrae in the neck: 7 12: Number of bones in middle ear: 6 13: Number of bones in face: 14 14: Number of bones in skull: 22 15: Number of bones in chest: 25 16: Number of bones in arms: 6 17: Number of muscles in the human arm: 72 18: Number of pumps in the heart: 2 19: Largest organ: Skin 20: Largest gland: Liver 21: Largest cell: female ovum 22: Smallest cell: Sperm 23: Smallest bone: Stapes middle ear 24: First transplanted organ: Kidney 25: Average length of small intestine: 7m 26: Average length of large intestine: 1.5 m 27: Average weight of newborn baby: 3 kg 28: Pulse rate in one minute: 72 times 29: Normal body temperature: 37 C ° (98.4 f °) 30: Average blood volume: 4 to 5 LITERS 31: LIFETIME Red blood cells: 120 days 32: LIFETIME White blood cells: 10 to 15 days 33: Pregnancy p

*🗣️Knowledge About Blood ..!!*

1. Which is known as ‘River of Life’? *Answer: Blood* 2. Blood circulation was discovered by? *Answer: William Harvey* 3. The total blood volume in an adult? *Answer: 5-6 Litres* 4. The pH value of Human blood? *Answer: 7.35-7.45* 5. The normal blood cholesterol level? *Answer: 150-250 mg/100 ml* 6. The fluid part of blood? *Answer: Plasma* 7. Plasma protein fibrinogen has an active role in? *Answer: Clotting of blood* 8. Plasma protein globulins functions as? *Answer: Antibodies* 9. Plasma proteins maintain the blood pH? *Answer: Albumins* 10. Biconcave discs shaped blood cell? *Answer: RBC* (Erythrocytes) *11. Non nucleated blood cell?* *Answer: RBC* (Erythrocytes) 12. Respiratory pigments present in RBC? *Answer: Haemoglobin* 13. Red pigment present in RBC? *Answer: Haemoglobin* 14. RBC produced in the? *Answer: Bone marrow* 15. Iron containing pigment of Haemoglobin? *Answer: Haem* 16. Protein containing pigment of Haemoglobin? *Answer: Globin* 17. Graveyard of RBC? *Answer: Spleen


  1. *PAN* - permanent account number. 2. *PDF* - portable document format. 3. *SIM* - Subscriber Identity Module. 4. *ATM* - Automated Teller machine. 5. *IFSC* - Indian Financial System Code. 6. *FSSAI(Fssai)* - Food Safety & Standards Authority of India. 7. *Wi-Fi* - Wireless fidelity. 8. *GOOGLE* - Global Organization Of Oriented Group Language Of Earth. 9. *YAHOO* - Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle. 10. *WINDOW* - Wide Interactive Network Development for Office work Solution. 11. *COMPUTER* - Common Oriented Machine. Particularly United and used under Technical and Educational Research. 12. *VIRUS* - Vital Information Resources Under Siege. 13. *UMTS* - Universal Mobile Telecommunicati ons System. 14. *AMOLED* - Active-matrix organic light-emitting diode. 15. *OLED* - Organic light-emitting diode. 16. *IMEI* - International Mobile Equipment Identity. 17. *ESN* - Electronic Serial Number. 18. *UPS* - Uninterruptible power supply. 19. *HDMI* - High-Definition Multimedia

*WORLD RECORDS Important Solved MCQs for Competitive Exams*

*Largest bird* • Ostrich of North Africa *Smallest bird* • Male bee hummingbird of Cuba. *The first to launch earth satellite or artificial body to moon* • USSR *The first President of the U.S.A.* • George Washington *The first President of the Chinese Republic* • Sun Yat sen *The first Governor-General of Pakistan* • Muhammad Ali Jinnah *Smallest continent* • Australia *Most populous continent* • Asia *Largest road tunnel* • Yerba Buena Island tunnel, San Francisco, California, USA. *Largest cotton producer* • China *Largest fish catching country* • China *Fastest flying bird* • the peregrine falcon *Largest fish* • Whale Shark *First woman Prime Minister* • Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike of Sri Lanka *First woman President* • Isabel Peron of Argentina *First woman President of the UN General Assembly* • Pandit Vijaya Lakshmi of India *First UN Secretary* • General Mr. Trygve Lie of Norway *First man at both poles* • Dr. albert P. Crary of the USA *First man at the South Pole* • Captain R

ایک بہترین معاشرے کی تشکیل کے لئے ‏قران پاک کے 100 مختصر مگر انتہائی موثر پیغامات

  *1 گفتگو کے دوران بدتمیزی نہ کیا کرو،*  سورۃ البقرۃ، آیت نمبر 83 *2  غصے کو قابو میں رکھو* سورۃ آل عمران ، آیت نمبر 134 *3  دوسروں کے ساتھ بھلائی کرو،* سورۃ القصص، آیت نمبر 77 *4  تکبر نہ کرو،*  سورۃ النحل، آیت نمبر 23  *5  دوسروں کی غلطیاں معاف کر دیا کرو،*  سورۃ النور، آیت نمبر 22 *6  لوگوں کے ساتھ آہستہ بولا کرو،*  سورۃ لقمان، آیت نمبر 19 *7  اپنی آواز نیچی رکھا کرو،* سورۃ لقمان، آیت نمبر 19 *8  دوسروں کا مذاق نہ اڑایا کرو،*  سورۃ الحجرات، آیت نمبر 11 *9  والدین کی خدمت کیا کرو،* سورۃ الإسراء، آیت نمبر 23 *‏10  والدین سے اف تک نہ کرو،* سورۃ الإسراء، آیت نمبر 23 *11  والدین کی اجازت کے بغیر ان کے کمرے میں داخل نہ ہوا کرو،*   سورۃ النور، آیت نمبر 58 *12  لین دین کا حساب لکھ لیا کرو،*   سورۃ البقرۃ، آیت نمبر 282 *13  کسی کی اندھا دھند تقلید نہ کرو،*   سورۃ الإسراء، آیت نمبر 36 *14  اگر مقروض مشکل وقت سے گزر رہا ہو تو اسے ادائیگی کے لیے مزید وقت دے دیا کرو،* سورۃ البقرۃ، آیت نمبر 280 *15  سود نہ کھاؤ،*   سورۃ البقرة ، آیت نمبر 278 *16  رشوت نہ لو،*   سورۃ المائدۃ، آیت نمبر 42 *17  وعد

*Famous IT Companies Their Founders*

📶 *Facebook* was founded by Mark Zuckerberg on February 4, 2004. 📶 *Twitter* was founded by _Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone & Evan Williams_ on March 21, 2006. 📶 *Apple* was founded by _Steve Job, Steve Wozniak & Ronald Wayne_  On April 1, 1976. 📶 *Instagram* was founded by _Kevin Systrom & Mike Krieger_ on October 6, 2010. 📶 *Whatsapp* was founded by _Jan kaum and Brain Acton_ in 2009. 📶 *Microsoft* was founded by _Bill Gates and Paul Allen_ on April 4, 1975. 📶 *Alibaba* was founded by _Jack Ma_ on April 4, 1999. 📶 *Amazon* was founded by Jeff Bezos on July 5, 1994. 📶 *Flipkart* was founded by _Binny Bansal and Sachin Bansal_ in October 2007. 📶 *Quora* was founded by _Adam D'Angelo and Charlie Cheever_ in June 2009. 📶 *Oracle* was founded by Larry Ellison, Bob Miner & Ed Oates on June 16, 1977. 📶 *Wikipedia* was founded by _Jimmy Wales_ and _Larry Sanger_ on January 15, 2001.

Vitamin 🎗 helps to build and strengthen bones, teeth, soft tissues, skin and mucous membranes.

2️⃣ vitamin B2  This vitamin helps to increase energy and strengthen the defense system  3️⃣ Vitamin B6  It helps to reduce depression, heart disease and memory loss  4️⃣ vitamin B7  It keeps sweat glands, hair and skin healthy.  5️⃣ Vitamin B9  🎗 Prevention of heart disease, high blood pressure, Alzheimer's, depression  6️⃣ Vitamin B12  🎗 Prevention of heart disease, memory loss and anemia  7️⃣ Vitamin C  🎗 Vitamin C, which is known as an immunity booster  8️⃣ Vitamin D  It plays a key role in keeping bones strong and reducing the risk of cancer  9️⃣ Vitamin E  🎗 This vitamin helps prevent heart disease, cataracts  🔟 Vitamin K  This special vitamin is also necessary for immunity and energy  🦋🦋 Cardiologist✨♥️🥀

Gerenal Knowledge